Are Live Plants A Good Option For Goldfish Aquariums?
From Tun Win

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Deciding whether to have live plants or fake plastic plants in your aquarium is really a personal choice. Many people prefer the plastic plants because they are maintenance free and are easy to clean. On the other hand, some people enjoy having natural plants in their aquarium almost as much as they like having fish in them.
Your goldfish, if asked, would obviously prefer to have real plants. Many plants provide a snack for goldfish. There are also other benefits to having real plants in your aquarium. Living plants help to replace oxygen in the water. Live plants also help to remove some of the waste products produced by your fish. This doesn’t mean that adding real plants will cut down on the cleaning and water changes necessary for healthy goldfish, but they will add a beautiful background for your pets.
If you do decide on natural plants for your goldfish aquarium, there are a few plants that you may have trouble keeping. This is not because they won’t grow; rather, the problem is that your goldfish may like them a little too much. Some aquarium plants your goldfish will eat faster than they can grow. This is true even of well fed goldfish.
For instance, if you add duckweed or frogbit to your aquarium, you may have trouble keeping it. Goldfish will eat this plant for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, and a midnight snack. They really love these plants. Water wisteria can provide an excellent variety in your aquarium; however, this is another plant that your pet goldfish will love to snack on. Don’t give up hope of having healthy live plants in your aquarium, there are some plants that goldfish don’t have a taste for.
Water onions are a great choice for goldfish tanks. They produce long leaves similar to an onion plant. They are especially striking in aquariums with a good water flow as the leaves wave with the flow of the water. These are a fairly slow growing plant, but your goldfish should leave them alone.
The java fern is another aquarium plant that goldfish seem to avoid. This plant is also an excellent choice for people who are just switching over to live plants because of the ease of growing it. This water plant will grow just about anywhere, even on surfaces that would not normally support plant life. Many people place this plant on pieces of wood or other aquarium structures.
If you are looking for something a bit different to add to your aquarium you may want to consider Cryptocornye Wendetti, bronze. The bronze coloration of the leaves offers a good choice if you are looking for a live plant but feel that you already have too much green in the aquarium. As an added bonus, your goldfish should be able to resist eating it. Live plants can add an extra touch of natural motion that is missing in plastic plants.
Would you want to go for a walk in a plastic garden, or a natural one? Your pet goldfish probably feels the same way, natural plants provide a more welcoming home for them.
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